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Old 01-18-2022, 08:05 AM
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Well this is hitting close to home. A lovely older member of our sewing group has asked me to finish two projects for her. She is willing to pay me and has always been very generous in that regard. She also told me that she would not be offended if I refused. The first project required a lot of opening and re-cutting (did I mention she is an 'older' member, bless her heart) but I am enjoying the process and the result is going to amaze her.

The second project is the problem. I know it is the one that she really loves, but it has many of the same issues and the pieces are significantly smaller. I am still mulling over my options and really really don't want to tell her how much her abilities have deteriorated.

If you cannot think of anyone who might want to take on your friend's project, she might find someone through your LQS or fabric store.
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