Thread: Hello
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Old 01-28-2022, 06:15 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
Posts: 3,383

You sound just like the rest of us with lots of quilt tops needing quilted, tops in the process of being finished to quilting stage, some still in block stage and lots and lots floating around in our head. I have 12 tops in line for quilting, 1 on the frame now, just finished 4 to block stage and 6 on the shelf waiting to be started. Oh yes, I have one I'm trying to design as I go around a panel which has given me fits so it's on the sideline right now.

Welcome to the madhatter group.

Also it's been over 6 months or more since I touched my quilt system. Got it turned on yesterday, cleaned and oiled it. Then I found some of my cords were getting caught behind so had to come up with a solution to that issue. Have 1 more issue to solve and I'll be good as new again. Had a little issue with the machine as I couldn't remember which way the thread should go into the bobbin. Yes, it's been that long ago since I touched it. Had a bit of loops on the top so stopped, frogged it and continued. Seems to only happen when I change bobbins though for the 1st inch or 2. Now I'm on my way to getting this bad boy quilt top done.
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