Old 02-10-2022, 01:37 PM
woodland creature
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Posts: 148

Speaking of Frolic ... That was the first time that I save the MQ clues, and who knows what happened, but I never got around to doing it. Same thing happened with Grassy Creek, which I do intend to eventually make, although who knows when. But when the I saw the reveal for Frolic, I decided that I wasn't terribly fond of it and likely wouldn't ever make it (although I never deleted the clues). I just pulled up the reveal, and looked at it again closely, and am still unsure - maybe it's that pink thing again that turned me off. What I learned with Rhododendron Trail, though, was that if I had waited until the end, I might not have made this one either. But by the time of the reveal, I had already bonded with the individual blocks and had played with them often enough that it was reasonably easy to come up with an alternate layout (or two). So maybe I'll give Frolic a try.
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