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Old 03-07-2010, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by gramqlts are so right...Lord knows I have enough fabric in my stash to send every member of the SQA a fat quarter and still be covered up with fabric! I was reading on some one's post that her mother walks around behind her when she goes in to her sewing room to make sure she doesn't take anything. My two daughters and their friends just help themselves at will and I just smile thinking....another generation of quilters in the making. Makes my heart sing!!!! They even come over and pull stuff out and use what they want while I am at work and show me their great projects later. Heck, it's just fabric and some of it is bound to dry rot before I use it all. I have good intentions when I buy stuff and lots of ideas for
it...just not enough time to make it all up. I live on a limited income to but God always leads me to great sales and it just means I cook and take leftovers to work instead of eating out alot like some of the other girls at work. Not to brag but I am a GREAT cook. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell And if you saw my roley poley little squatty fat self you would see how much I enjoy my cooking!!!! HA HA
My mother and I both think like you about the fabric.... if we haven't made up within the past 10 years... it's up for grabs.
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