Thread: Survey #2...
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Old 05-12-2022, 11:19 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 49

I've been quilting about 3 years now and had not participated in any until this year. I'm not sure why I joined two, LOL. I did want a chance to do a project where I totally chose the fabrics from my large FQ stash and had to decide myself exactly which fabric to cut for which spot in the pattern, etc. I think that has been good for me and a skill I will carry forward. I am currently doing the BOM with Sherri from A Quilting Life as well as the Riley Blake 2022 block challenge. After the 2nd block on the RBD challenge, I nearly quit that one, as small fussy pieces are just not my thing. But I'm not a quitter by nature and they lured me in with a simpler 3rd block, so I stayed the course so far. Having said that, I fell behind on both while working on another quilt project and when that happens you totally lose the comradery of sharing it with the group, as most people that post in those groups are the ones who do the block the day it's released or very soon. This week I've been choosing and cutting fabrics for the 7 (yes, seven) blocks I am behind between the two QAL. But, I'm glad I have those ready because I'm embarking on a huge organizing of my stash and will have fabric everywhere and an actual full on project would be in the way during that. This way, I have each block on a design board and ready whenever the sorting/folding/organizing becomes too much and I just want to sew! So all in all, I'm enjoying the challenge of them overall and will complete the tops, but might not do another any time soon as I find I do prefer my own choice of patterns and less "fiddly" piecing.
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