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Old 07-25-2022, 07:54 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 287

Originally Posted by ladyinpurple135
I have been in the electric car bandwagon for some time, but my husband raised an interesting question recently. He said % our gas taxes help,to,pay for roads, etc. if we all went electric, where would the money come from to repaid roads? Taxes somewhere else? And I’m curious about the small amount of driving time on an electric car plus where are the places to charge and how is it paid for the electricity? So,e vehicles run only short times before charging and some run much longer but none of them will even get me to PA (from NC), to way upstate NY or out to CO without recharging which for some models can take hours. I have yet to read any comments from good sources regarding these questions.

Sandy in Mooresville, NC
I pay a $100 a year surcharge when I renew my tags for my hybrid Prius. I believe that is to offset the loss of taxes received.
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