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Old 08-07-2022, 03:57 PM
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Bless her heart! And yours too! I know all about falls and breaking bones so I really sympathize with your friend. You are a good friend to try to cheer her up. Although you understand healing takes time there are days you can't help but get discouraged. Please tell her hang in there, brighter days ahead and she has a bright quilt to help her remember that. Lovely job. I love the look of flying geese quilts but haven't managed to like making them yet.

ps. Every time we go to our daughters her big dogs come to our car and I wait until someone gets them out of the way before I get out. Usually hubby comes around and shoos them away. He doesn't want me falling either as he has to be my caregiver-lol Little dogs at my other daughters could trip me too, so I am aware and careful as I can be. Will be thinking of your friend.
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