Thread: Bamboo batting
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Old 04-25-2008, 12:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Steve
Still cotton is soft as a bunnies tail and most affordable, so what's to do?
an [allegedly] eco-friendly product isn't helping anything unless everybody can afford it. the label is a marketing ploy that plays on misplaced guilt to sucker bigger wads of cash out of your pocket.

if hemp and bamboo fabric & batting start to sell big, they'll just slash and burn acres of old forest to clear land in developing countries for planting more of them. people are already going hungry so the wealthy can feed their chi-chi ethanol cars. do you really want to add to that cycle?

the "to do" list is easy. worry less. read ALL the reports - not just the hysterical hype being shoved down our throats by the Chicken Littles who care more about their own agendas than they do the long term benefits, causes & effects, and the truth.

bicycle, car-pool, public mass-transportation if they're available and practical in your area. and buy what still makes the most sense for your quilts, your budget and the planet. which is still [preferably] cotton, but poly if that's what fits your budget best.

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