Old 03-08-2010, 04:46 PM
Olivia's Grammy
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Originally Posted by QBeth
Originally Posted by ilovequilts
So, I locked my keys in my car yesterday for the THIRD time this month, ...:)
I "lost"my car keys about a month ago. Worked all day, got my stuff together to go home, and couldn't find the darn keys. Looked everywhere. Ripped desk apart, purse, etc. Called all the security numbers to see if someone found them. Posted a note on the main entrance. No luck.

Called AAA to unlock car in hope that I'd left the keys inside. Called my boyfriend to come get me - he ripped the car apart too. No luck. On the way home, we stopped off at the dealer and, using the VIN#, was able to get more keys made.

Next morning, I hopped a ride into work with a co-worker. When we go there, I made sure the new keys worked! Went inside, worked all day. Started getting stuff together to go home, including very large leather bag that I use to carry my computer. When I moved it, I put my hand under it for support. Felt something strange. Long story short, there was a hole in the lining of a side pocket; the keys were at the bottom of the bag between the leather and the lining! Errrrrr!!

I now keep an extra key in my wallet, thinking that I might "lose" either the keys or purse, but not both. DBF suggests (now, don't tell anyone! :) ) that I should put a key behind my license plate, using one of the mounting screws to hold it in place. That way, all I need is a dime (or good Samaritan) to retrieve it. Hmmm... I should do that tonight, huh?!
I know this wasn't funny at the time, but it did make me giggle.
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