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Old 10-22-2022, 04:56 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 990

Originally Posted by lindaschipper
Did I read the original announcement wrong? I thought it said that would be selling through Amazon from now on. If this is correct, it's really not going away totally, just being swallowed up by Amazon. did sell some things through Amazon. They are shutting down completely. The notice to vendors, referenced in the original post, states:

" will close down on October 20. Employees have been offered a severance package or the opportunity to seek employment in another Amazon division. "

That article also states:

"About six months ago, Amazon reached out to vendors to say that all fabric would soon need to be sold directly on Vendors were told to upload all of their products to Amazon in one, three, or five-yard increments"

So's suppliers would need to sell as third parties on, and list in fixed yardage cuts.

Last edited by mkc; 10-22-2022 at 05:04 AM.
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