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Old 11-12-2022, 06:16 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Gainesville, Missouri
Posts: 520

WMUTeach - those are absolutely stunning! I have always loved white and blue in quilts, something about that combination just speaks to my soul.

I had a rough start and ended up laying down for a nap. I have an appointment to see my doctor next week about my hands, just within the last week it seems like I've lost a lot of strength and my joints have been extremely sore, tender and warm to the touch. They've also been swollen and it seems like I can't get it to go down at all. I was able to get my sewing corner straightened out some and made a bowl cozy (prototype, it's a new pattern I wasn't familiar with) and was working on the baskets but I couldn't hold my rotary cutter without shaking and barely had enough oomph to cut the fabric. I set those off to the side and concentrated on my cross stitching.

After I have some coffee and get something to eat, I'm going to slowly start re-organizing my sewing corner, right now it seems like that's the only thing I can do without too many issues, then I'll finish up with the baskets. I think I'm going to start with two, one for my floor frame and one that'll clip to the side of my desk.
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