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Old 12-02-2022, 02:18 AM
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Hi Guys,

To my Secret Santa..... I know a box has arrived, but I had asked Joe to watch out for it and to remove it from temptation - which he did. I didn't even get a chance to look at it as it arrived when I was out. So Joe, following instructions, took the package, hid it and then told me it had arrived. When I got home.... this is how the conversation went.... Joe... "A Christmas package arrived for you whilst you we out.... It says Secret Santa , so I have put it away", then I said, "let me look at it".... and he said, "no"..... and I said "I just want to see it - not open it" and he said "no.... because the senders name is on it" and I said "neh neh neh" and he said "don't act like a baby" - LOL LOL LOL!

So, Santa, you really are secret this year - but I look forward to finding out who you are!


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