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Old 12-15-2022, 03:57 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Portage, Michigan
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I had not finalized my goals but this question got me thinking:
1. Search out and kit up UFOs ........... complete one a month
2. Kit up projects that are awaiting my attentions (I have been given a number of projects that were just barely started and are worthy of finishing.)
3. Continue to deplete my stash particularly Pinks and batiks.
4. Sort patterns that I have printed and use them or pass them on to others.
5. Make quilts for two family members, one friend and one baby quilt.
6. Do one sew-a-long to use scraps.
7. Track fabric "in" and fabric "out" just for the fun of it.
8. Continue to journal my quilts. I find this a very useful activity but it has taken about two years to be faithful at recording my quilting projects with useful detail.
9. Make quilts that bring me joy, donate to Project Linus and bless others with warm hugs from my sewing room.

In the end, like nearly every one else, I just want to use what I have and limit shopping to what is needed to complete a project.

Thought of another goal....Clean out the saved patterns on my laptop. Why am I saving patterns I will NEVER use. Dump what is in the "What was I thinking?" category.

Last edited by WMUTeach; 12-15-2022 at 04:03 AM.
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