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Old 12-18-2022, 01:55 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Central NM
Posts: 1,587

  1. I think the biggest goal for me is to not allow my cutting table to end up with a Mt Scrapmore growing on it. Whch for me means PUT BACK ater every project..
  2. I sew forProject Llinus so goal is to sew up 2 kits every month for them.
  3. Try to ontinue to make larger quilts for PL that are for bigger kids....that means more fab OUT THE DOOR!!!
  4. Shop my stash. After everyone was in bed I took two hours to reorganize my stash..OMG keep me out of JoAnns and Hbby Lobby. (when I realized I was stnding in the middle of the room AND talking to myself...time to go to

Last edited by Julienm1; 12-18-2022 at 02:03 PM.
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