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Old 12-24-2022, 03:51 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Mass
Posts: 314

I haven’t finalized my 2023 quilting goals yet. Last year it was finish 22 in 22. I finished 31. Not all were UFOs, some were new starts.
my ‘from now on’ goal is to finish what I start. No more adding to the ufos.
1) Finish Ufos— how many? Say 12
2) Improve my knowledge of EQ8 - have joined a class for that.
3) Reduce the stash- need to think of a measurable goal for that. Any ideas?
4) Make and donate a quilt to my guild for our outreach program.
5) Clean and organize the sewing room
6) make art/ improv quilts play with techniques
That should be plenty.
I love reading everyone’s ideas.
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