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Old 12-26-2022, 05:32 PM
great white
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 160

So I’m looking at that little 0.5 amp BAK ac motor for the 319 and am thinking I can do better than that for this all metal machine. Theres been several times I’ve had to hand wheel it to start in things like straps and denim.

I’m considering dumping the AC motor and installing a servo motor like on my big walking foot Singer. That would mean far more “punching power” and more controllability at low speeds.

I switched to an electronic foot pedal a while ago and while better, it doesn’t add any power to the 0.5 amps.

It would mean I’d have to make a new handwheel for the v-belt, but that an easy afternoon project on the lathe with a chunk of aluminum. Making the new table will also make it easier as I can just adapt to the undermount motor. It also means I’ll have the 319 surface mounted on one leg of the “C” table and the 331K105 on the other leg. That means the White and the Kenmore will go on the long leg of the “C” and be retractable. That will leave me a nice long table surface for setup and such.

Starting to sound like a pretty cool sewing nook….
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