Thread: Crosswinds
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Old 01-15-2023, 02:13 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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Thanks everyone. Ibex94- thanks for the links- I've still got the album on vinyl, but it's been years since I had a working turntable.

pennyhal2- it started out as a doodle in my sketchbook, then I enlarged it and transferred it to black fabric. I used Jacquard Lumier paints to paint it and then sandwiched and quilted it. It changed a bit between doodle and quilt. Prior to the doodle I didn't have this in mind, I just started doodling in the sketchbook. That's how I approach a lot of my art. The approach is to start with the materials at hand and the question "What If?". As in, "what would happen if I did this with these materials?" In this case it was the sketchbook and color pencils and then a piece of black fabric, paints and my sewing machine. Many of my pieced quilts also start this way, that is with the fabric and the question.

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