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Old 03-09-2010, 09:56 AM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: lost in fabric & I'm not coming out until Secret Quilt Angel is over.
Posts: 938

Recipe of the day.............

Bacon Cheese Spread

1 c yocheese (recipe follows)
1 Tbsp hormel bacon bits (or what they sell in your area just make sure they are REAL bacon bits)
1 scallion/green onion chopped including greens
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper

Mix all together. Put in fridge about 2 hours. Each 1/4c is 25 calories or 6 calories per Tbsp. This is great stuffed in celery or spread on crackers.

Yocheese Recipe

1 qt container of plain yogurt.

Make sure it DOES NOT have gelatin in it or it will not work. Line a strainer with a coffee filter. Place it over a bowl. Pour plain yogurt into lined strainer and put in fridge about 6-8 hours. What is left in the coffee filter is yocheese, the liquid in the bowl is whey. The whey is packed with protein some people throw it away I use it in smoothies or in place of water in soup or when I bake bread. Take the yocheese out of the strainer and follow the recipe above.
Use yocheese in place of cream cheeseyou can add whatever herbs you what and you have a lowfat/cal spread.
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