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Old 03-01-2023, 06:08 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
Posts: 3,487

As for back pain, my massage gal told me while still laying on her table to bring my legs up to my chest and swing them side to side a couple time. That will relax the lower back muscles. As I like to do strip piecing, that could mean sitting for a while at the machine so I bring only so many pieces to the machine and when done, I then walk to the pressing station I keep in the other room so I have to do just a little walking but it gets me off my toosh.

When quilting, though I have robotics, I still stay around it as I've had problems when the machine would stop with the needle down but the robotics is still going, rips my quilt if I'm not there to stop it in time. I have the rubber mats along my quilt machine and I wear thicker sole shoes as I have feet issues. While standing there, I'll bring my arms up level with my chest and swing my upper body side to side. Sometimes I'll reach down to my toes and back up so I'm getting some exercise while sewing. I try to take a couple mile walk when the weather is nice which hasn't been much this winter here in Iowa. The wind will cut you in two. I walk swinging my arms back and forth to get my heart and lungs pumping and on my walk I have a fairly steep block where I don't slow down but keep at the steady faster than a normal walk going up the hill. In the summer I do take a water bottle with me to keep hydrated.
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