Thread: Sick about this
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:04 PM
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I am a longarm quilter and I don't feel I'm responsible for a seam being pressed the wrong way. And generally even if I wanted to fix it it would mean taking out seams in order to press another way as that seam would be trapped by other seams. I feel it's the responsibility of the quilter to prepare the quilt for quilting. I don't advertise repair work in my list of services, if a quilt comes in with serious issues, such as wavy borders, etc, I will ask the client to fix the problem or in some cases offer to do it for a fee. I will explain how the problem is going to affect the quilting. I quilt for a wide range of quilters, some beginners, some very experienced quilters, I am not the quilt police...I'm not here to judge, my job is to quilt that quilt to very best of my ability. I take offense, dgmoby, when you suggest that she should look for another quilter. When I'm working on a quilt and see a shadow caused from being flipped the wrong way, I feel bad that it's there, but do I take the responsibilty for it. Absolutely not.
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