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Old 06-28-2023, 01:12 PM
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You sound like me with my first Embroidery machine. I just bought a 4x4 size Brother, at Walmart and no pc back then, for video instructions. It sat in the box unopened for 2 days. When the girl I worked with asked how I liked it, I told her I was too intimidated to try. She came right over and I remember the first design we stitched. A green rose! I just had a few thread colors so we stitched the whole big rose and leaves all green-lol I don’t think I could have waited as long as you, but I’m glad you finally tried. I’m sure you will love it. I have a long arm but it’s in a table. The lady I bought it from bought it new and it was on a frame. She had them put it in a table bc she didn’t have the room for the frame. Neither do I, but I still long for one. I hope you have so much fun quilting.
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