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Old 08-04-2023, 06:00 AM
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Originally Posted by KalamaQuilts View Post
looks like about 2.5 hours to this point, just the background left to mosaic. I may Sharpie those eyes
Lena, working with batiks, when I cut the wrong angle I can just turn it over and it's right!
I was working with batiks but you have no idea how bad I am with direction. I tried turning the piece over and still had to cut it and then cut the wrong direction. The pieces are so small to begin with and I ended up with teensie tiny pieces of unusable fabrics even for a confetti quilt. Hubby says I can get lost in the shower. Does this give you some idea of how bad my sense of direction is? When I’m driving any where I always add in an extra hour for being lost. Directions of any kind, other than written, are my down fall. I usually figure out a way to make things work despite my directional handicap. Thanks for the suggestion though.
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