Old 08-06-2023, 08:30 AM
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Location: Portage, Michigan
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Good Sunday afternoon every one. I have been away to help my daughter move. Such an enormous project. Glad I could come and help out even it the hours were long and the work was hard. It is just what moms do!. Today is sit and rest my feet and brain day. No decision making for me. Ok, maybe the decision to nap at 1:00 or nap at 2:00 I could handle.

Ibex how precious it is to have you family quilting history under your fingers. My mother was not a quilter nor her mom. They were hard working women and could use sewing machines and made garments. My grandmother actually worked for the owners of a HUGE farm outside of Chicago as the family seamstress when she came to the US as an immigrant. She married the farm manager. How scandalous! My other family were all highly educated, but dirt poor farmers. My grandmother and many of her family completed their college education and became teachers, but had to farm also to feed their family. She did make quilts but none were preserved or honored just used until they were shreds. There is one quilt left that in very poor condition it is being saved but it is simple utility quilt. After all that chatter. Ibex hold these family gems dearly and cherish them. You are very fortunate to have them. So glad you have other family members who also want them too.

Leading the next generation into quilting is a gift that may not be appreciated until the future but what fun to sit with a granddaughter and pass on your skills and "quilt talk". Keep going TG.

I took some sit down time to update our August swapping and it is looking good. Just a few yet to arrive for each of our swappers. Yah! Now it is time to make that nap time decision and hopefully to wake refreshed and ready to do the hand binding on a quilt this evening. Lovely to read all of quilting chatter and encouragement.
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