Old 03-10-2010, 10:35 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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Posts: 463

DH thinks I am nuts going thru all the envelopes and the spread sheets but I am hoping this is only a mistake on my part. He thinks everyone should know what fabric they sent out like I know mine. "Well, we sometimes mess up. Regarding Moshier92 ok, big booboo...0k what was your fabric like...maybe I can trace it down. I sent out a number of blocks that day and someone else got yours as I see yours had olive green with white flowers...as I always tired to put the fabric color on this. All my blocks are out so if the other person could just find your block...I would be very happy and if not I will have to make another. Please help us out with this one. I had several with that sort of print but the flowers were smaller. It may have gone out to one of these on that day: Odessa quilts, ckcowl (I have a check mark by this name) Kbunn, madquilter, mistiliz, montana quilter, moodykim, mosher92, and neoma. I will be happy to pay for any block that reached the wrong destination. With all the activity here, I thought I had everything pretty much under control. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Everyone should have my blocks by the end of this week or next and if someone didn't get one please let me know.
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