Old 08-12-2023, 09:42 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 101

Originally Posted by peaceandjoy
My preference is for scrap quilts - even if they aren't truly from scraps, so lots of small pieces.

There are so many who want scraps, I wouldn't throw away pieces that are 2" or larger. Fabrics that I am sick to death of, or really, truly dislike, I put in a bag and take to a guild meeting. I've also taken projects that are partly done that I really don't care for. Out of my space and they are always grabbed up.

Many people would be happy to pay the postage to get your scraps, so if you don't have an easy outlet such as guild or sewing group, post wherever (including here!) that you've got scraps that you will send for the price of postage. If in the US, you can get one of the flat rate boxes and when full, put up a thread for it and how much. You'll get takers, I am sure.

It'll be out of your house, in the hands of someone who wants them, and not filling up our landfills.
I could even be persuaded to pay for half or even all the postage if I knew my scraps were going to a loving home that would use and appreciate them! It would feel better than throwing them out, but not weigh me down with the psychological burden of keeping them.

Will definitely give this idea a try!!
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