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Old 08-14-2023, 06:13 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: The Finger Lakes of upstate NY
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For those looking for the blue quilt, here's the link

toogie, did you use the same batting in both quilts? The looser quilting in the yellow one would allow your high loft batting to show better.

I am drawn to the yellow one, but I think that's more the color than the quilting. Both are lovely! I only use cotton or wool batting, polyester is just too hot for me. I've always run hot, and now that I'm older, that's more true than ever. Who knew that hot flashes continue well after menopause. So unfair! The extra weight doesn't help, but I've lost half of what I'd like and don't see any difference.

Would you share the name of the pattern?
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