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Old 09-08-2023, 03:25 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 317

Originally Posted by QuiltersSon View Post
Thank you, I don't think the entirety of the loss has set in yet - it feels like I'm on a spinning top and something keeps winding me up to go and go and go, Very strange feeling, can't put my finger on it, feels like the edge of sadness with just enough depression sprinkled on top to let me know more is coming. Like that.

My mom seemed to be very organized - I think. Here's a couple in a LONG row of shelves of, well, I don't know what you call it, umm, cut fabric??

About 15 more of these [said the man banging his head on the table over and over again...]

And of course, rulers:

Right, feels like she was organized - yes, no??

The estate sale seems stupid at this point. I just found out today that I don't have to sell her house for maybe as long as 6 months so that should give me a decent amount of time to reach out to all the different places you guys have suggested.

I can't start calling anybody till next week, I'm zipping back to LA tomorrow then I've got a trade show in MI (The Battery Show, in case any of you guys are going to find yourself in MI this coming week, you know, we could get together and talk about batteries and thread and bobbins and quilts and EVs and stuff...).

Instead of selling it all...why don't you start using it all? Learn to is a lovely hobby...until the bug bites 😁
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