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Old 10-01-2023, 03:43 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: British Columbia
Posts: 597

And I'm off the wagon. :-P What a naughty week I've had!

Went to visit a local quilt guild (which I have now joined) and was strongly encouraged to check out the free table. Managed to walk away with less than a yard of random pieces in colours I can see myself using so was feeling pretty chipper and proud of my restraint (after all, one doesn't join a guild every day so some celebration was in order). :-D Next day I had to drop off some stuff at our local thrift shop and was not quite as successful as I'd hoped in staying at the drop-off back door. A quick peek inside the store meant I walked out with two more pieces of fabric, only one of which I have an actual idea for. Then Saturday rolled around and I went (on purpose) to a fabric store to get the equivalent of one or two fat quarters to finish up a blue and cream quilt I'm working on but I sadly forgot my swatches to colour/tone match. Found two fabrics and kept my purchase to less than half a yard. Thought I'd done well, but when I got home I discovered one of the pieces is too green and so will just go into stash. Some good lessons learned.

Happily, it happened before the month turned so I'm back on the wagon and still at 100% for October! :-D
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