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Old 11-15-2023, 10:47 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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Welcome back Mim! I also recommend the Paul Doiron stories, sadly I am caught up with them so have to wait for the next

I did put a Chet and Bernie book on hold. Just finished the 2nd book in Jim Butchers new series, The Olympian Affair. It's been a couple of years since the first one and I had forgotten a lot. Probably will need to listen to book 1 again and then book 2. I miss the Dresden files this is nothing like them, more of a steampunk crossed with the dragon books Kalama recommended. Humans on a hostile world with political organizations arranged by "spires" that go high into the sky with pirates on flying ships...

Next up is "What the River Knows" by Isabel Ibanez -- which also states is Book 1 or a new series. I'm thinking I maybe am better off being a few books behind on series order.
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