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Old 11-18-2023, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Iceblossom View Post
My new sewing group is going to have only 2 meetings in December. They will have an additional (or maybe 1 of the 2) as a coffee shop meeting. Helps that at max there are only like 10-12, usual group is more like 6.

I really enjoy having a group to go to, and for me the "holiday" season isn't a very big time/stress commitment. Especially now with no driving or family events. Even before the move with family events we are in a big gap period with no weddings or babies or such things, we mostly go potluck style and my house was too small for comfortable entertaining. Is one of the reasons the Bonnie Hunter mystery works for me, is a good time to stay in with a project. Maybe next year I will know more people and have more furniture and can invite people over.

But, trying to say this nicely, the sewing group people aren't friends (yet) and probably won't be. They are just people with a single shared interest kind enough to let me in (and I appreciate that!). With a large guild I might have more chances at having friends with more commonality. While I enjoy the group, I'm thinking of skipping the coffee social and not intrude where I have little in common especially since they all know and talk about other people but have little interest in me talking about people they don't know...

Anyway, for gift exchanges I'm a fan of fancy socks. I did a search on "sewing themed socks" on Amazon -- some of which were not very quilting related or appropriate for giving to random people but made me laugh.
I thought the socks were cute to look at - but at the prices they were asking - I would leave them where they were.

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