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Old 11-19-2023, 07:01 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Originally Posted by bearisgray View Post
Did not enjoy rinsing the poopy ones out in the toilet.

I do remember those days. yuck.
Neither me!

I recall all the kerfuffle that would arise when I had a poo-poo diaper soaking in the toilet and one of the older kids would go into the bathroom to use the toilet, only to find a waiting lumpy diaper in the toilet bowl.

MOM... they'd call out! Into the bathroom I'd dash to clear the toilet bowl for them!

Speaking of the old days... my SIL was going down her basement stairs one early morning with a full diaper pail in tow and she tripped. When the diaper pail hit the basement floor, the lid popped open spilling out the entire pail full of wet and dirty diapers. Dear SIL didn't get hurt, but what a mess she had to clean up.

My youngest would have been around 15 months at the time when he came up with the brainy idea to store a few of his toys in the nursery room diaper pail which stood at the foot of his crib. Silly little boy. The things kids do.
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