Old 11-25-2023, 09:42 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
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So, my dau insisted on cooking the main meal this year at her place. She's in her 30s, so I'd call her a newbee. This was her first Thanksgiving that she ever cooked herself. She also works full time, so it was a huge challenge for her. I love her to death, but I have to admit that I had a little bit of satisfaction in letting her have her hits and misses this year, especially since she had let it slip out that she thinks, "Mom's turkey is always dry." (Humph! It is not!)

I still had to give her some tips and advice. I'm just a mom, after all. Write a list, delegate chores, make a schedule on when things go in and out of the oven and on the table, and above all, don't drink any beer, or wine before the meal is served.

She started out really good. The appetizers were wonderful and all set on on a separate table. Some people arrived a tad late, but that was OK. Us, older ladies, camped out on the patio, drank wine and talked up a storm. We'd go into the house occasionally to offer some help, but no, my dau didn't need any help. In fact, she said that there was nothing to do...so she had a glass of bubbly...and then another. She sat down with us girls and the champagne bottle and joined in the conversation. I asked how her schedule was going and she said, "What schedule?" I overheard her in the kitchen, talking to herself saying, "I don't have any idea how long to cook the Turkey Breast Rolade for."

Things went south from there.

In the end, dinner was 4 hours late, my stuffing had been "warming in the oven" for at least 2 hours and was very brown and dried out. Her turkey was definitely dry...super dry. All of us ladies scrambled to help her get the meal on the table. The table was set with all mis-matched plates because her DH did it, it was a mess. The ladies left right after dinner, at 10PM, so no pies and coffee for them.

Personally, I had a great time! I'm usually the cook, so it was a relief not to have to do it all. I admire my dau for giving it a good shot and the appetizers were really good. The best part was that I got to do what she does every, single year...not help clean up the mess. "Oh gosh hon, it's so late and I'm so tired. I've gotta go. Love you!!! It was wonderful!!!"

It was really fun. I hope that she hosts it next year...Christmas too!

Last edited by tropit; 11-25-2023 at 09:48 AM.
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