Old 12-31-2023, 06:35 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,126

Thank you for bringing us together again, Heather.

I am working on the Bonnie Hunter mystery, I should be caught up today with the next clue not coming out until Friday.

I am also/still working on the border for my Christmas String quilt. I have a bunch of pieces cut -- I think enough. I find in this sort of thing I am not a good guesser -- either it takes a kazillion more pieces than I cut, or I have a kazzilion left overs. For the center I had cut a bunch of pieces too small to use well, I've combined those with other pieces to make them long enough and will put them in the border. Those have all been sewn to a solid piece. Next round will be to sew two solid pieces together, then the round after that will be starting to put them on the paper backings, And then of course, I'll have to take them off the paper to put on the quilt.

We have a bunch or real life issues we are dealing with, but this week I'm staying in the safety and comfort of quilting. We had a little bit of snow earlier this week and have groceries and no need to leave the house,so I'm staying put!
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