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Old 01-16-2024, 06:18 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Portage, Michigan
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Pamelor, I used to think 1.5 was too small to deal with and tossed those small scraps in the trash with no guilt. Now this quilt has given me the motivation to save those itty bitty squares. I have a small basket by my machine to put the 1.5s as they are cut. I can then stitch them into pairs and into little four patches.

I also have a small project box for the 2.5's that come up when I am cutting for other projects. When that box gets full I put them in my larger storage boxes by color. So easy to use when I want to do a color way or just grab a pile of each color for a scrappy quilt. It took a while to build up that stash now I spend time trying to keep my 2.5's under control.

Terriamn, I would say that sharing ideas and examples is one of the strengths of this group of quilt makers who like to use candies. Our eyes seem to be drawn to any pattern that makes use of 2.5s Welcome to our addiction or perhaps it is better call a passion. Tee-Hee-Hee!

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