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Old 01-16-2024, 08:29 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Va.
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Way to go WMUTeach- I've been using project boxes for a while now and it really helps control the chaos since I like to work on more than one project at a time.

I know I said I was going to look for 5 more books yesterday, but I was having an indecisive moment when it came to parting with books. So, I tackled a corner of my closet where I'd stashed a bunch of wired fabric ribbon that was given to me by someone who got it from a florist shop that was going to throw it away. It's nice ribbon, and all is on spools, some are still unopened. I'd planned on pulling the wires out and using the fabric in some scrap quilts, but it's been sitting there for 5 years, so time to go. It's as least 30 large spools of wide ribbon. All went into a box that has been sealed up and put with the other things I'm putting in my studio yard sale. So I'm counting that as a win, even though I didn't find any books to part with LOL! And, as I'm sitting here typing this, I think I see a couple of books that I'm ready to part with. Will let you know if it happens.

How's everyone doing with their New Year's organizing?


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