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Old 01-30-2024, 05:00 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Portage, Michigan
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How many quilts do I keep and use? Well, that is an interesting question. My quilt club/group does an exchange block quilt every year. We sign the blocks so those I keep those and have 12. I use some as seasonal quilts: valentine's, fall, Christmas. Others I just keep as memories of members past and present. I have about 8 quilts that I made for a special reason or as a challenge for myself, Harriet's Journey, for example. Those I keep and yes, I use them. I always have a pile of "I don't know what to do with this one" quilts but they are ready to go if I need one quickly. They are all finished except for the label. More times that I can count, I discovered I needed a quilt quickly and Ta-Da I had one! So, it looks like I have about 25 quilts that I am keeping for one reason or another. Only a few will go to family when I am gone or maybe sooner. My quilts, my choice.
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