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Old 02-10-2024, 08:07 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: South Dakota
Posts: 8,145

I decided to get off the fence and join (email sent).

I hope to be moving this spring/summer, so part of me felt I should skip - but I skipped a lot last year and then the house didn't sell. DH and I already made two trips hauling stuff south, so we're halfway moved already. Won't be that much work getting the rest done, so even if the house sells quickly, I'll have time to get blocks sewn up. Sure do love being retired and having 10 -12 hours a day to sew!

I also recently agreed to make two quilts for fundraising raffles this year, and blocks from this BOOM work very well for that. Now I've got to pick fabric and get it ready to go in the mail next week.
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