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Old 02-16-2024, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by pamelor View Post
Ibex94, okay I'm curious. Why do you have to go out of New Orleans to mail something?? Is the mail service bad? I'm not very up on national news so maybe I'm missing something.
I went to my local post office to send something priority. The only way they could give me a tracking number was if I paid more money to send it certified (which I did). Apparently, the main facility in town refuses to give the smaller facilites the tracking number decals.

I asked if the mail was running alright, because things routinely take longer to and from New Orleans since 2005 (Hurricane Katrina forced all the mail to be processed in Baton Rouge --I don't know if that is still the main processing hub but it isn't back in New Orleans yet.) I wanted to send a package overnight and the clerk was kind enough to tell me not to waste my money. Nothing was guaranteed out of New Orleans. I should have immediately gone to UPS but I didn't so the package went certified and got where it was going in about four business days.

At another post office in town I was told that they are having problems staffing the stations.

At my home, mail may or may not be delivered daily based on whether or not there are enough mail carriers that day.

I was heading out of town to visit my aunt in a small town to the north. I figured that if I could bypass New Orleans maybe the mail would get out faster. Nope. I was still too close to New Orleans because my first class mail took too long to get to where it was to go.

The good news is Janice just posted that my package to her is arriving! ...well ahead of her birthday -- yay!!

Now that I have all my candies in envelopes ready to go, I will be mailing as soon as the addresses are announced for the rest of the year. It won't matter if I am in New Orleans or elsewhere so long as I remember to grab a few envelopes and stash them in my suitcase!

This is my year for running around the country. Life and its circumstances, right? I hope I explained it understandably, Pamelor. I used to work for the post office (I loved it!) but I like teaching more so am teaching again. A different story, lol.
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