Old 03-05-2024, 01:15 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 382

Hi Big Butte
Can you tell us a bit more about your sister's experience with quilting?
I'm wondering if you want her to get all the basics:
Supplies needed
She might be better served to learn a lot online if she has access to youtube and online classes. The variety of things she can learn that way is pretty limitless. Some instructors very, very good, others not so much.

Spokane is pretty large. Which part of town is she in?
Way east of town (Spokane Valley) is a quilt shop that offers good beginner classes:
There are several others... one way North, one way South, and at least one that is sort of centrally located. They all have some classes to offer at varying degrees of helpfulness for a beginner.
And they all want to sell supplies and fabric of course, while you're there learning.
What is her level of interest in learning?

This is a link to beginner learning that may be helpful?

the shop in Spokane Valley

not all of these actually offer classes for beginners:
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