Thread: Boom 31 Spring
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Old 05-01-2024, 07:07 PM
Janice McC
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Uggg. Autocorrect and text prediction. So annoying. I was trying to say I love seeing your family.
Originally Posted by Janice McC View Post
Terriamn, let be seeing all the beautiful women in your family. 😀 Thanks for sharing!
Had a good day today. Had coffee with some new friends. Came home and finished the flannel quilt top for DH when he wasn’t looking. Was running a stay stitch around it when the bobbin thread jammed with a tiny thread. Ended up cleaning the whole machine and oiling it. Based on what came out, it was a bit overdue. Tomorrow I’ll finish up with a nice clean machine and put it away until DH heads out of town for his next trip to the cabin when I’ll quilt it. The dog had several short walks today and still seems to feel well. I know she’s not but she doesn’t know. lol. I repotted a couple of small plants and rescued a beat up prayer plant from the supermarket. All in all, a good day. Hope you all had a good one, too.
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