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Old 05-02-2024, 06:22 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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A hexagon is made up of 60 degree triangles, there are several ruler versions on the market. Each one differs a bit on whether it is a snubbed (flat) tip or a pointy one so the strip measurements can vary but typically they have cutting and/or finished measurements on the rulers and/or info on the packaging.

When I do a stack and whack style project, I don't use strips, I make sections of the repeat (so about 12-16"), carefully stack them (I baste the stack) and fussy cut the triangles.

I am also concerned about the size of raw fabric you have and the number of repeats you can get across. You can get (6) 3.5 strips from the 22" size. Not quite sure in my head how many you can get across. The next logical size (for me anyway is to cut (12) strips, which would be about 1.75 cut -- so close to 2" as a finished hex... tiny! you would have almost as much fabric on the back with the seam allowances as on the front.

There are a number of things you can do to increase the size of your stack and whack blocks, either from settings or extra borders.
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