Old 03-14-2010, 10:59 PM
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I was so sad to hear of Toms injuries, but great news that he is feeling some better. :thumbup:

Our community is strange concerning leash laws. The only time a dog has to be on a leash or tied is from April 1st to October 1st. The rest of the time they can roam free. ??? Not sure other than april to october is when people don't want them ruining their flowers or gardens. I don't want someone elses dog or cat in my yard, ( and I have 3 dogs and a cat)!!!

I keep all mine tied or on leashes year round and kitty stays indoors. About 6 months after we moved here, one of my dogs was tied in our yard and the neighbor let their yellow lab loose. The lab put his head through our window screen trying to get our dog, tried to attack our dog in OUR garage, and finally attacked him while tied in OUR yard. Long story short, our vet would NOT accept payment from us for the expenses incurred caused by the lab. She actually billed the neighbors and then turned them in to the county for not having the lab properly vaccinated. (sp?) It caused a rift between neighbors, but no big loss since they moved away after they couldn't figure out how to control their dogs or kids!!! She actually asked how I got the dog to listen and stay in our yard!!! (that was about a year later when they finally started talking to us again)

I hope that the neighbors whose dogs did this to Tom take responsibility for Moms vet bill. In my opinion, kitty should be inside, but, seems like it is a dogs nature to chase a cat also. :thumbdown:
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