Thread: "Weigh In"
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Old 03-16-2010, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by janRN
Hi all. I haven't been hiding--just pouting!! I'm so stuck at this weight and very discouraged. But I'll keep trying.
Rose: as to your question about Alli: I know people who have used it (comes in Over-the-counter strength and Prescription str). If you follow the diet plan VERY strictly-no fat at all, you lose weight pretty fast. I don't know too many people that can eliminate fat entirely-it's in everything. If you don't eliminate fat, you better hope and pray that you're near a bathroom all the time!! It ain't pretty--as the ad says: side effects include watery oily discharge> In other words, not to be gross but it's like constant diarrhea leaking out. Sorry to those that are eating, but it's true.
Hope everyone is doing better than I am this month. Once this seasonal depression lifts (soon I hope) I'll be back on track and challenging you all for those FQs. Have a healthy day-Jan
I heard the same about Alli.
Jan I am right there with you. March has not been fabulous for my weight however I am going to try and start bike riding with my daughter for at least a half hour a day..maybe this will help!
I also have been without internet for like 4 or 5 days so now I have to catch up on everything lol You miss that many days here on the board and it seems like years :-)
Keep up the great work everyone-with determination and drive and the support of each other we all WILL succeed!
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