Old 03-16-2010, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by janice4
Originally Posted by justwannaquilt
When you say car seat cover do you mean the cover/padding that is already on the car seat? or are you wanting a cover to put over the child once in the car seat.

If you are wanting to make the cover/padding (although I would suggest against it they are made with certain materials and padding to meet certain specifications) You can take the old one apart at the seams and use it as a pattern to make a new one.

If you are talking about a cover to put over the child once in the car seat there are a bunch of them and it depends on what size or style seat you are making it for, there are the infant carriers (that some toddlers are still small enough to be in) then there is the five point harness front facing car seat, high back booster, or just a reg. booster. lol see what I mean it really depends on what your making it for! if its for an older child not in an infant carrier you could always just make a small child size lap quilt.
she is wanting a cover to go over the toddler car seat to keep it cleaner and make it easier to wash.. or clean..
Just want to warn you that any time you alter the seats, even to put a cover over it, you are compromising the safety of the seat. Adding a layer changes the child's postition within the seat and also the tightness of the harness and child within the seat. They even recommend that you not use those little snuggie things that go under babies then zip around them.

Seats are a bit putzy to take apart but they are pretty straight forward. My DD gets car sick so we've done a LOT of taking apart and putting them back together. :cry:
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