Old 04-03-2007, 06:13 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Bruce Cty, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 10

This subject has been an interesting read this morning. I grew up with a paternal grandmother who spent just about every waking hour during her last 20 years crafting quilts for others and crocheting. So I value anything handmade - no matter how good or bad. When I married 30+ years ago, my m-i-l, her sister & mother and her m-i-l all were quilters. I was soon recruited to help whenever a quilt was set up in the spare bedroom. This just reinforced my appreciation for this art form. As most of you already know, we found a wonderful quilt stash after my m-i-l died. My s-i-l and I took the time to photo document all the quilts. When we were in the process of doing this, my b-i-l's wife stuck her head in the bedroom to see what we were doing. Her comment???????? Why all they are good for is to keep you warm when you are in bed! Meanwhile my s-i-l & I could recount things we learned - stitch length, matching corners, unique patterns, commardrie (sp) that was enjoyed at the mini quilting bees.
Maybe this isn't exactly what this topic is about but I thought it was similar.
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