Old 04-03-2007, 10:39 AM
vicki reno
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My mom is 86. My story happened 10 or 11 years ago. Now all she ever says is what do you want out of the house when I am gone. I always have said--nothing--just a small momento--I have 6 siblings and do not care to get into squabbling over what she has aquired in her lifetime. The last time I was asked this question, (last Thanksgiving) I said, I just want the quilt back and she said"what quilt" So it opened an old wound wide open once again. Its one thing to rationalize about her age, memory, etc, but its hard to BE rational about it. Its over,done, and time to move on, but it just goes to show that no thought was ever given to the amount of work that went into making that quilt. So like everyone else that has been hurt, by people not appreciating their work, I am very, very careful who gets them now.
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