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Old 03-18-2010, 03:17 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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Last time I was at our old JoAnn's (before they closed it and reopened about 50,000,000 miles away) they were $1.99. Same fabric as they had before, but marked up 70 cents. Needless to say, I didn't buy any. Last week I went to Hancock and got fat quarters for 99 cents and they were absolutely adorable, pretty, fun, and very nice. Maybe it is just that since none of us got a COL raise, we can't take a 70 cent hit. I know I can't! (I used to pay $1.29 regularly at JoAnn's (which I never did because I always bought them on sale for 99 cents) or would be 1/4 yd of fabric off the bolt. Another thing to I found out from Hancock. You know how you would always get the end of the bolt for 50% off whatever the price was? Not any more!!!!! I had 33 inches of fabric (measured it myself with my handy-dandy tape measure that I keep in my purse) (and people wonder why my purse is so heavy) so I knew I would be able to get it for the 50% off, plus it was 40% off besides and thus giving me a good 90% off. I've done it before many a time, both at Hancock and JoAnn's. Well, they told me at Hancock's that the powers that be would rather toss the fabric than sell it at the 50% off. She said they have been having a lot of waste that way. What a crime!~ Here we could be making nice quilts for people, ourselves, Quilts for Kids, Quilts of Valor and Hancock says no!

Happy Day to you all! Edie
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