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Old 04-03-2007, 05:33 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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yep. that's a pile of cash alright. but you had a long list of things you wanted in a program. EQ is one of the few that comes close. I could talk about it because i have it and like it.

Not a law in the land says you can't pick one of the lower priced programs that has a similar list of features. the only hitch might be finding one for less than $90 that lets you draw your own. i don't remember seeing one of those. but i was shopping for them more than 10 minutes ago, so ... LOL

i'm not going to try changing your priorities. whether you design your own quilts or prefer the games is up to you. you can still have tons of fun quilting and gaming, whether you buy software or not. i will, however, provide a few points to ponder:
-you have to buy game after game after game to feed your "habit". you buy the quilting software once. (then yard after yard after yard after yard of fabric. same process. different "habit". LOL) maybe a few upgrades over the year, but you'll spend a teeny-tiny fraction of what you're spending now on only games.
-buying the software just means waiting a little longer for the next game. they'll still be there later.
-sounded to me like you wanted it an awful lot and can afford it
-once you're done with a game you have nothing to show for it. when you finish a quilt you can call your very own and share with others ... well ... i've never seen a joystick or whatchamathingie that can do that.
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