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Old 03-20-2010, 05:01 AM
bronnyb's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Frankston, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 97

Originally Posted by earlylace
Hello from NJ, USA I also cross stitched, crocheted, and was forced (didn't take much) by a friend who was very patient with me and helped me with my first quilt. Well, everyone knows, that hooked me. I also collect Pink Dep. glass, everywhere you look, there it is. Do you have a special pattern you like, my biggest collections are Miss America, Old colony (open lace) Anniversary. I also have (had) an all male household,my nest is empty now,and I have 2 1/2 grands. Lace
Thanks for the welcome everybody...
For earlylace, I now have my mother's collection of pink glass and have over 150 pieces - mostly Royal Lace, Mayfair (open rose), Princess, Old Colony.
I do have a blog where it is eventually to be displayed.
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