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Old 03-20-2010, 08:08 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Virginia
Posts: 198

I knew I was "collecting" fabrics but didn't know I was doing something RIGHT until I read a magazine that explained why all of us should have a stash to pick and choose from. I'm pretty sure the author recommended buying 3 yards at a time. I had to leave the house and go out and sit in the car I was laughing so hard. So instead of calling it hording - for goodness sake - call it what it really is ***** preparing a library of fabrics for your future use ***** So what if you won't live long enough to use it up, it is a library! Does your local public library have fewer and fewer books each year?

My only (LOL) problem is that I don't think I'll ever be able to cut into some of my fabrics, they are just too beautiful to cut up. I guess I should think of these as the reference section like the books that aren't allowed to be checked out.

I'm still working on buying three yards at a time. I don't make anything larger than a twin sized quilt any more so three yards seems excessive but IF I could just find that magazine again I just might be able to find some justification. Maybe three yards would equate to coffee table picture books?

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